Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Marketing Terrorism OR Peace?

The country who provide safest shelter for the international terrorist like Osama bin laden who was responsible for 9/11 attack and mafias like Dawood Ibrahim, the country who is the biggest manufactures of terrorist groups who are spreading violence all over the world and specially in India recently posted an advertisement in Wall street journal saying “Which country can do more for your peace”

In this add Pakistan government gives statics of different political leaders and citizens recent bomb blast death toll. It also creates an impression that how they are scarifying their own people in country of 180 million citizens while fighting for 7 billion populations of whole worlds in fight against corruption. It also shows picture of assassinated former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

This is an example of mentally sick people purposefully targeting the world powerful nations emotions on the anniversary of 9/11 attack.

The advertisement says that since September 11, 2001, 21,672 Pakistani civilians have lost their lives or have been seriously injured in the war against terror. The Pakistani Army also has lost 2,795 soldiers while 8,671 soldiers have been wounded. More than 3.5 million have been displaced while the country has lost $68 billion due to terrorism.

I personally don’t understand the reason why Pakistan making happy themselves by publishing this kind of idiotic add, they take money from US to fight against terrorism deploy that money in creating new Osama and attack back on US and other nations.

Nations like India and US never feel of showcasing their willingness and actions against terrorism through paper advertisement. 

Pakistan government failed flat while they try market their peacefulness (Product) at a cost of International image (Prize) in front of whole world(Place) through idiotic advertisement(Promotion).   

Media’s irresponsibility towards public emotions can rise as it hard to digest how Wall street journal editor’s gives an permission to this kind of add?

This is the biggest joke of year and poor attempt of positive image building.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Managing Dreams !!!

How far the destination is can be made clear if you know where to start. Mode of transportation and alternative short routes can bring travel time down if you manage them efficiently.

If you have dream and you want to make it happen you need to know where you stand.
You need to know what capabilities you have for example if you want to become a good anchor you should be great at communication skills and need to know how to create a chemistry and interaction with people.

With the clear idea about self strength and weakness by self analysis you can grab more opportunities and manage to stay protected from threats.

If you want to improve something you need to know where you stand so that you can start working towards your goal more effectively. But if you try to define these goals in numbers and period of time suddenly this things get crystal clear and looks in hands reach.

Trying to achieve something without having a plan - a time bound plan is like participating in Olympics without practicing.  

When you devote yourself to that idea to your dreams and start working endlessly you become something extra ordinarily and different than everybody else.

                   You become Superstar.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Anna Hazare and Julian Assange

Anna Hazare fighting corruption through his Anti Corruption movement while Julian Assange fighting through Wikileaks. 


Recently Wikileaks revealed that UP chief minister Mayawati had send private jet to get her favorite pair of shoes from Mumbai airport. On the other hand in post Anti corruption movement fever government forcefully providing Anna Hazare ’Z’ level  security against his will to cut down his common man reach.

Both are fighting against the harmful elements of society and corruption in community in their own way. 

Most of the individuals reviled by Wikileaks are exploiting people’s money for their own good. Their agenda in politics always was for own greed and to make money while ideally it has to be for peoples service. The always forgot that there are the servants of people not their owners.    

Julian Assange breaks through government secured networks from back doors and reveals confidential information of an individual or a nation to show its true face so that people can be aware of back stage games. While Anna Hazare enter from front door straight ahead, face to face and take head on with system.

Both are doings right things on their own level in their own style.

But here is the difference, Assange who has good communication skills, strong network, knowledge about system fails to create a mass support and a revolution against the corrupt government and individuals while Anna Hazare who barely speaks English and broken Hindi gathered a huge support not only in India but all over the world.

Creativity, structure maintains, commitment, discipline and knowledge are the qualities required by Excellent Manager where Julian Assange scores most while Integrity, dedication, creativity, fairness, assertiveness, magnanimity are the qualities required by a Great leader where Anna Hazare top the chart.    

Government keeping Assange in custody while Government respectfully accepting Anna’s suggestion for structural reforms.

Assange through Wikileaks only reveling the black secretes caused by corruption while Anna Hazare through his fight against corruption not only taking head on with the government and reveling the hidden truth but also challenging the whole system and suggesting root measures like Jan Lokapl Bill and Right to Recall, Right to Reject and fighting for it get noticed.